Tuesday 10 April 2012

Football? Soccer!

Football, is the most loved sport in the world, anywhere, everywhere. Well, that's statement is 95% accurate due to one country stance to reject everything about it - USA. To USA, it's soccer. Football is the oval thing played by macho men wearing oversized shoulder pads from the 80s. Soccer is a game played by moms and their daughters. They even had the "soccer moms" moniker for.. well, soccer playing moms. At other places, soccer induces bar brawl, fighting amongst hooligans and full on riot. In other words, badasseries. In USA, it induces after match tea parties and probably sing-along gatherings.
These people are badasses.
 Why does the USA rejects soccer the way they do? Does they still think that the whole world is better than them? USA got a fairly good placing last time around at the 2010 World Cup, and it looks like they are improving. They are in the best eight in 2002. Yet  they still hates it.
In America they like sports that stops every three seconds.
Well, until i can figure the real reason for it, i'm just gonna assume that it's just something that is passed down from generations to generations. It's just the same way that we view American Football in disdain, how gay we think American Football is. LOL. Come on guys, you are getting better and though i can't say there are world class players from USA, there are a whole lot of good ones out there.

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